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About us

The objective is to establish a modular, sustainable, self-sufficient production-line of fish, from “breeders to market

size fish”, for the sustained production on a year-round-basis, 365 days per year.

Another objective is to incorporate the local community by buying 500 ton per year fish from the cooperatives and process their

fish along with own production. The utilization of waste water from fish ponds for drip irrigation for local vegetable farmers is

another way of engaging and creating benefits for the local community within the project.

Fully developed in three stages production will reach 960 tons fish from aquaculture per year and 500 ton from the lake

fishermen. The intended fish species will be the local species of Tilapia and Clarias. 

Phase one
development PHASES

 The investment will be done in four development phases in order to verify the profitability and sustainability of the business, and avoid unnecessary risks for the investors and financing organizations

phase one

The first phase is the basic infrastructure comprising of processing, packing, cold storage and cold chain distribution system (refrigerated trucks and storage facilities). During the operation of this stage there will be a cooperation with fishermen's cooperatives that will provide app. 500 ton per year of fish from the lake, to be processed and sold to big volume customers in Addis Abeba and other mayor cities. It is important that the local fishermen can see us as an asset and not a threat to their own business. The amount of fish from the lake is not more than a few percent of the lakes capacity, and can therefore be considered sustainable. A pickup boat will go out in the lake an get the fish directly from the fishermen's boats so it can be brought on ice to the processing plant. 

Phase 1 was completed 2019, and was going to be in full production during 2020. Unfortunately the pandemic delayed the start of the business more than one year, but it will be fully operational during 2021. 

phase two

Phase 2 will include the first aquaculture production line with an annual capacity of app. 320 ton per year. The production method will be an intensive water recycling technology (RAS) with filters and aerators to provide clean water and oxygen to the concrete ponds. Solid waste will be drained out through a sloping bottom of the circular ponds and a system of drainage pipes connected to the drum filter and biofilter. It will also include hatchery and nursery, and 12 grow out ponds. The waste that will ultimately need to be disposed of from the ponds will be let out to a sedimentation pond, where solids will settle, and liquid will be used for irrigation in nearby vegetable farms. The solids will from time to time be emptied and used as fertilizer in farms in the area. This development stage will also include more refrigerated trucks, storage facilities, workshop and office buildings. 

The construction of phase 2 is planned to be started during 2021, and is planned to be fully operational during 2022. 

phase three & FOUR

Phase three and four will be two more production lines with 320 ton/year production each. If the previous phases have proven successful there may be decided to build phase three and four at the same time to save time and reach full potential of the allocated land a little sooner.


Phase 3 and 4 is planned to be fully operational before the end 2026. 

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